Who We Are
Serving The Underprivileged !!!
In creating this distinguished platform for educational improvement and social support, the centre agrees with John F. Kennedy’s proposition that, “a child miseducated is a child lost”. Hence our core duty and mandate will be to access and assess all plausible means for effective and efficient resource mobilisation and allocation from domestic and external avenues. This, we believe, will avert the invidious danger that vulnerable children or adults face as a result of malfunctioned educational environment and non-existent social support systems.
Our Vision

To work actively towards the constant improvement of the environment that encourages child education and improves the life of vulnerable adults.
Our Mission

To target improvement of required social infrastructure and support systems necessary to get young people in school whilst helping vulnerable adults in economic empowerment.
Shared Values
Being in the knowledge that our individual strength would not be enough to address the huge challenges that confronts the operational zones, the centre commits itself solemnly to the under listed virtues and principles in order to provide necessary and sufficient assurance to well-wishers on whose benevolence we fervently hope to drive this course
Ethical Leadership
Resource Mobilisation Plan
The centre’s resource mobilisation plan starts with the comprehensive development of a medium-term plan, which aims at setting out the strategies required for efficient and effective execution of the Centre’s mandate and vision.
Subsequent to the medium-term plan, the Centre will develop year-on-year strategies through the tactical plans, which will lay out the objectives and key targets/milestones. Furthermore, the tactical plan will include tools and methodologies, which will scientifically appraise projects and programmes executed in terms of outputs, outcomes and impact measurement of results.
Once the tactical plan is in place, the Centre will then translate the plan into various workable activities, which will eventually serve as the basis for budgeting and proposal submission for funding and grant applications from recognised and credible sponsors and partners.
Scope of Activities, Projects and Programmes
Undertake educational outreach engagement exercises with dedicated and effective tools and methodology.
Undertake community profiling and needs assessment using the most appropriate tools and methodology.
Organise bi-annual educational pitch camps for pupils and career pathways and parental educational guidance for parents
Organise bi-annual educational pitch camps for pupils and teachers on modern teaching and learning techniques.
Working with partners to supply needed social infrastructure and educational materials to the most deprived schools.
Our Team



